ORLANDO, Fla. — Health experts say a fully vaccinated home is safer than one where only some members of the household are vaccinated.

What You Need To Know

  • One family had a few issues getting a 101-year-old man vaccinated

  • Health experts say multi-generational homes are more at risk of getting COVID

  • Those who get the vaccine still need to follow CDC guidelines

It is what an Apopka family, the Terrero’s, are hopeful for after their eldest in their home began the vaccination process with his first dose last Friday.

Ralph, 79, and Ada Terrero, 79, completed their vaccination cycle at the start of the month but Ada Terrero’s father Jose Ros, 101, did not join them at that time.

“At the time, my father-in-law was hesitant to have the vaccine,” Ralph Terrero said.

Ralph Terrero said after they convinced Ros to get vaccinated, they ran into some other complications.

“(The age section of the appointment calendar on the Orange County Health Department website) wouldn’t go more than 100 years,” Ralph Terrero said.

Once that glitch was fixed, Ralph Terrero said another challenge arose: All the appointments were taken.

He said that is when he wrote an email to Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore and asked for assistance, which she quickly gave and helped book Ros’ vaccine appointment.

“It’s a relief because even though we follow rules and we don’t go out, you never know,” Ada Terrero said.

But with only the first-dose the family said they plan to continue to follow CDC guidelines.

Dr. Luisa Mena said it’s what families should do it regardless even after vaccination.

“With the vaccines, they’re really effective but there’s still a window there,” Mena said.

She said multi-generational homes are more at risk.

“If the patient, or person in the household although got all the vaccinations but then you have people in the household that aren’t vaccinated they can come in with the infection. Yes, it’s less of a risk but the risk is still there,” Mena said.

Florida ranks among the top 10 states with multi-generational homes, according to data by the Census Bureau with more than 300,00 multi-generational households.