ORLANDO, Fla. — "Covid-19," "flattening the curve," and "pandemic" are words that have entered our everyday vocabulary as we endure the effects of the coronavirus.
- Doctor says heat likely will not affect spread of Covid-19
- He says school closures may help slow transmission
- He encourages further study to see if children are transmitters
- Read more of Spectrum News 13's Weather Blog
The commonly used phrase "social distancing" has even entered our forecasts within Weather on the 1s, as we encourage safe activities outdoors done within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. That includes going for a walk or jog, or doing some exercise in your backyard.
Fortunately for us here in Central Florida, this time of working from home and home schooling has coincided with some very nice weather. Temperatures have been mostly in the 80s paired with plenty of sun.
The average high for this time of the year is in the upper 70s, and readings have consistently climbed above that most days in March. While we definitely could use the rain to help with the drought and pollen, the quiet weather has enabled opportunities to get outside and enjoy fresh air.
Since the calendar reads spring, that means the summer months are around the corner. The days of high heat, humidity, and daily sea breeze-driven thunderstorms await. Unfortunately, the data reveals that we could still be dealing with the virus during the summer.
Dr. Mark Lipsitch of Harvard University recently cautioned that seasonality likely will not affect the prevalence of Covid-19. He alludes to how humans could face less immunity and thus transmit more readily even outside of the winter season.
In turn, he encourages further study to determine if children are transmitters, and how school closures may help slow the transmission. It is important to note that scientists are learning new information about this new virus by the day, as more data becomes available.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the Covid-19 virus can be transmitted in all areas, including ones that are hot and humid. Regardless of the climate, it is essential to adopt protective measures. This includes frequent hand washing and practicing social distancing.
We encourage you to safely enjoy this opportunity to spend a little more time outdoors than we normally would. As always, we welcome your weather photos for us to feature during Weather on the 1s. Feel free to tweet them to us anytime at @MyNews13Weather.