CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, Fla. — It was 50 years ago on Friday when the space program reached a major milestone.
- It was first time humans headed to the moon
- Journey was filled with excitement, apprehension
- Full coverage of space and launches on the East Coast
Apollo 8 launched from Cape Canaveral and headed for the moon on December 21, 1968.
It was the first ever-manned mission to the moon.
Commander Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders orbited the moon on Christmas Eve.
On their way to the Earth's lunar sister, Lovell said at the time:
"We have a beautiful view of Florida now. We can see the Cape (Canaveral), just the point. And at the same time, we can see Africa. West Africa is beautiful. I can also see Gibraltar at the same time I'm looking at Florida."
The most exciting part of the journey was when the crew would go around the Moon and being out of touch with NASA for the first time.
Bob Granath of NASA's Kennedy Space Center writes:
But that crucial maneuver would take place behind the Moon while out of contact with Earth. As the crew was about to travel out of touch, spacecraft communicator Jerry Carr, a fellow astronaut, passed along reassuring words.
But that crucial maneuver would take place behind the Moon while out of contact with Earth. As the crew was about to travel out of touch, spacecraft communicator Jerry Carr, a fellow astronaut, passed along reassuring words.
"Apollo 8, one minute to LOS (loss of signal)," he said. "All systems Go. Safe journey, guys."
"We'll see you on the other side," Lovell said.
The SPS engine would have to fire for a little over four minutes. All the flight controllers could do was wait.
And people around the world watched . . . and waited . . . for 37 minutes and 32 seconds.
Then data began streaming to consoles in Mission Control.
"We've got it," Haney announced, "Apollo 8 now in lunar orbit! There is a cheer in this room."
Lovell would also go on to say this famous quote about his experience:
"The vast loneliness up here of the Moon is awe inspiring, and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth. The Earth from here is a grand oasis in the big vastness of space."
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first people to walk on the moon seven months later.
Mother Earth seen from the Moon. (NASA)