MONTVERDE, Fla. — Just days after Tyshael Martin was charged with the abuse-related death of 9-year-old Jamaria Sessions, the girl's father has now been charged with aggravated manslaughter for allegedly allowing the abuse to happen — and in some cases, encouraging it, investigators said.

Martin — who at one point was apparently in a relationship with Sessions' father, but was not related to her — was arrested Wednesday and faces charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse and child neglect.

On Friday, the Lake County Sheriff's Office announced it was recommending the girl's father, Lojuan Sessions, be charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child.

What You Need To Know

  •  Montverde resident Tyshael Martin has been charged in connection with the June death of 9-year-old Jamaria Sessions

  • On Friday, the Lake County Sheriff's Office announced that it was recommending charges against the girl's father, Lojuan Sessions

  •  Investigators say they believe the girl's death was the result of ongoing abuse, and accuse Lojuan Sessions of knowing about it but doing nothing to stop it

  • Martin was being held without bond at the Lake County Jail on charges of murder, aggravated child abuse and child neglect; the jail did not list Lojuan Sesssions as an inmate or indicate he had been arrested in the county as of Friday afternoon

"Lojuan Sessions, by and through both statements and digital forensics of cellular phones collected during the investigation did encourage, suggest, plan, permit and assist Tyshael Martin in the implementation and execution of various 'disciplinary' processes, to include rigorous physical exercise, extreme physical abuse, and mental abuse of Jamaria Sessions," investigators wrote in an affidavit of probable cause that was filed Thursday. "In text message conversations between Lojuan and Tyshael, which lasted weeks, they often joked about the abuse, made comments about 'bootcamp,' and creating a torturous environment in which Jamaria would suffer long sessions of extreme exercise and extreme physical abuse, far beyond traditional corporal punishment."

According to the affidavit, Martin initially told first responders that she was Jamaria Sessions' stepmother and that she had found the girl "unresponsive and cold to the touch" when she woke up in the early morning of June 17.

Investigators say they noted the 9-year-old's body was riddled with a "significant number of abrasions, small punctures, burns, possible bite marks, and bruising" when they responded to the home she shared with Martin in the 16000 block of Harbar Oaks Drive in Montverde.

Martin allegedly told deputies that "the injuries to Jamaria Sessions lips, teeth and face are a result of Jamaria falling while on a treadmill, the contusions as a result of Jamaria falling down the stairs, and the superficial lacerations were blamed on having a 'reaction to something' and Jamaria picking the injuries," the affidavit said.

On June 18, investigators who watched Jamaria Sessions' autopsy said the Medical Examiner could find no obvious reason for the girl's death, but did note that her superficial injuries "appeared to be torture."

Video from security cameras inside the house was accessed as part of the investigation, and deputies reporting finding six video files from just before midnight on June 15 that captured a shocking and gruesome scene.

One of the videos "shows Jamaria Sessions being viciously attacked by the family pet, a 103lb male Rottweiler as Jamaria was just out of frame," the affidavit said. "However, Yyshael Martin could be seen holding the leash of the dog, and is heard encouraging the dog to bite Jamaria Sessions as Jamaria laid on the floor, ending with Jamaria Sessions attempting to stand up in the doorway coming into frame."

"The next clips show Jamaria Sessions staggering, nude and disheveled. ... It appeared that the dog had bitten the child's head, pulling at her hair, at the command of Tyshael Martin," the affidavit continued.

The court document goes on to describe additional abuse in video clips, allegedly perpetrated by Martin — and witnessed by at least three people. The names of the people present at the time were redacted in the affidavit, but two were noted to be on mobile devices at the time, and one was identified as Martin's biological daughter.

"In the following clip, Jamaria Sessions is commanded to stand in the room with her arms up by Tyslael Martin," the affidavit said. "Jamaria Sessions exhibited an orbital sway, appearing to be disorientated, similar to being intoxicated, and leaned forward to pick up a blanket to cover herself."

"This prompted Tyshael Martin to deliver a kick to the rear of the child, causing her to collapse to the floor," the document continued. "The child lay motionless, moaning in pain, as Tyshael Martin continued to kick her hip and eventually her stomach area at full force.

"When the child did not get up, Tyshael Martin then grabbed the child by her hair, pulling her across the floor, with minimal resistance by Jamaria Sessions, who appeared to be disorientated and motionless. The child was dragged near the stairs, which is where the dog attack occurred, just out of frame. Tyshael Martin continued to command the child, Jamaria Sessions, to stand up, and as Jamaria physically could not comply, Jamaria was repeatedly struck and shaken by Tyshael Martin."

In the very next clip, investigators say Martin can be heard stating "what sounds like, 'I'm fixin' to kill her.'"

A further 2,000 videos were in the process of being analyzed at the time of the report, investigators said.

Deputies claim that through different messages collected by law enforcement, Lojuan Sessions was aware of the abuse. Investigators say evidence shows that Lojuan Sessions not only failed to stop the abuse, but allegedly encouraged it.

Based on messages found in Martin and Sessions' cellphones, "communication exists between Tyshael Martin and Lojuan Sessions of Tyshael admitting to ongoing and continual abuse of Jamaria Sessions, often in a bragging manner," the affidavit said. "Also in these conversations, Lojuan Sessions often makes jokes, is dismissive, or encourages physical abuse by Tyshael Martin of Jamaria Sessions."

On Aug. 27, investigators say they received a 26-page autopsy report that blamed Jamaria Sessions' death on "complications of multiple blunt injuries of head, torso, and extremities" and a burn on her right foot.

"Lojuan Sessions knew, based on digital forensics, that his child, Jamaria Sessions was being abused by Tyshael Martin, and was complicit and failed to take any reasonable action to protect his child from harm," the affidavit said. "The abuse which Jamaria Sessions suffered ultimately led to her death."

According to court documents, Jamaria Sessions was living with Martin at the time of her death, while Lojuan Sessions was living with his mother in Ocoee.

Lojuan Sessions is currently on felony probation after being convicted previously of two counts of child neglect, fleeing a law enforcement officer, trafficking in MDMA and aggravated assault stemming from an incident in Oct. 20, 202, when he was "fleeing from law enforcement with Tyshael Martin and three children inside the vehicle he was driving, ultimately crashing and causing injury to (redacted) and (redacted), resulting in them being life flighted to Arnold Palmer Hospital."