ORLANDO, Fla. — The Orlando City Council voted Monday to extend the moratorium on new nightclubs in the downtown area at least through Sept. 20.

Little discussion was held on the issue before approval, and no members of the public turned out to comment.

The original moratorium was put in place in March 2023 to improve safety and security. At that time, the city council cited crime during late-night hours, including a shooting that left seven people injured in July 2022. Large crowds, noise and public intoxication were other concerns associated with the nightclubs.

City leaders say they needed more time to research and do additional outreach on how to best support nightclubs and the growing residency and visitation in Orlando's downtown area.

It also was extended last August.

The pause also came with other restrictions, including existing club owners to have a permit to sell alcohol after midnight, identity scanner requirements and added security or law enforcement outside of the establishment.