VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Some dog owners in Volusia County are feeling defeated after county leaders voted to keep rules in place banning dogs from the beach.
What You Need To Know
- Dogs still banned from Volusia County beaches
- County leaders voted 5-1 to keep the ban in place
- Dogs have been banned from the beaches since 1987
- Nanette McKeel Petrella has been working to get the ban lifted
It’s a conversation that has been going on for months.
As president of Daytona Dog Inc., Nanette McKeel Petrella has been working hard to get her three pups, and all dogs, on Volusia beaches. Since 1987, dogs have been banned from Volusia beaches with the exception of Lighthouse Point Park and Smyrna Dunes Park.
“We know that they all leave paw prints on our hearts, we are asking you to walk with us to put paw prints in the sand,” Petrella said.
Despite others also voicing their support, the council voted 5-1 to leave the rule as is.
"I am very disappointed, very let down,” Petrella said.
Despite staff presenting four options to the council with different locations and times to allow dogs, county leaders shared they could not ignore residents’ concerns. Many shared their thoughts during public comment.
“There is chaos and drama that comes with dogs, even with well-meaning owners, even with owners who try,” one person said.
“If they are going to let their dog do that in my yard and leave it, do you really think they are going to clean it up off the beach,” said another.
Petrella said she understands the concerns, concerns she says she addressed in a 20-plus page document she sent to the council, describing options and compromises dog owners are willing to make to get this rule changed.
“Honestly I do not feel like the majority of that council ever perused this document,” Petrella said.
Despite the vote, she is confident that support for the cause will grow.
“I don’t know when we will bring this back to the council but we will at some point,” Petrella said.