CHULUOTA, Fla. — Spring is the perfect time to head outdoors and experience some of Florida's beautiful U-Pick farms, but amid the coronavirus pandemic, one U-Pick farm is taking all the precautions to keep their customers at a safe distance while still remaining open.

UPDATE: As of Sunday, April 26, U-pick is completely booked for peach season. But potential visitors can still contact them via Facebook to make reservations for the next U-pick, coming up in late August.

Here’s what you should know about Lake Mills U-Pick Farm before you visit:

1. Lake Mills U-Pick Farm is a destination for people to travel to find good fruit during a difficult time, like the pandemic.

2. At Lake Mills U-Pick Farm, you can find six different types of peaches and a host of different citrus fruits.

3. At Lake Mills U-Pick Farm, they host people by appointment only so you can enjoy fruit picking from a safe distance.

4. Each day they require that you call beforehand and schedule your visit before you come. When you are scheduled, you’re given a 30-minute slot to pick fruit.

5. For more information, visit Lake Mills U-Pick Farm’s website.