ORLANDO, Fla. — Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) is asking its customers what they think the future of power looks like.

  • Respondents are asked to rank what they believe is important in terms of affordability and sustainability
  • 800 responses so far out of 240,000 customers
  • The survey will run until the end of July 2019

The question has been posed to thousands of customers, soliciting input to craft a roadmap for energy production.

"Find out a little more about their wants and needs and where they wanted their electricity generated from for the next 20 years," said OUC's Corporate Communications Director Michelle Lynch.

According to Lynch, utility providers often undergo EIRPs, or ​Electric Integrated Resource Plans, looking at generation and transmission needs.

This roadmap is more extensive, including what happens to two coal-fired units at the Stanton Energy Center in east Orange County.

"We wanted to engage not only our customers, but also community members," Lynch explained.

Respondents are asked to head online to OUCroadmap.com, watch a short video and then rank what's important, from affordability to sustainability.

Lynch said that they have received more than 800 responses to the survey.

But with 240,000 customers and an ever-growing community in Central Florida, they want more responses.

"We will take that information and we will use it as we map out our future," Lynch said.

The survey will run until the end of July.

OUC hopes to create the roadmap from responses by next summer.