ORLANDO, Fla. — Gatorland is now home to a pair of 5-month-old Florida panthers named Yuma and Sakari.

What You Need To Know

  •  Two Florida panthers are the newest residents at Gatorland

  •  The 5-month-old siblings, named Yuma and Sakari, were adopted from a sanctuary in the northeast

  •  Park visitors can find them in Panther Springs habitat

  • RELATED: Gatorland welcomes three baby goats

The pair, which are siblings, were recently adopted from a sanctuary in the northeast. Both weigh 20 pounds, but once they are fully grown, they will weigh up to 150 pounds, according to Gatorland.

“We are thrilled to have these beautiful Florida panther cubs with us for our guests to enjoy and learn about,” Gatorland President and Chief Executive Officer Mark McHugh said in a news release. “Florida panthers are endangered, with a small population of only about 200 in our state, and that number dwindles each year due to habitat loss and car collisions.”

Gatorland visitors can find Yuma and Sakari in the park’s Panther Springs, a habitat with a waterfall, a stream and a tree structure with platforms for playing and sunbathing.

Park leaders say the baby panthers enjoy chasing each other, splashing in the water and rolling their toys around the habitat.

“It is important for us to give our guests a chance to observe them up close as they would never be able to do otherwise,” McHugh said.

About a month ago, three baby goats were born at the park. Other animals at Gatorland include snakes, birds and alligators.


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