There is no doubt about it, this winter has been cold at times. With that, has come quite a bit of snow for parts of the country that normally don't see it.
The Gulf Coast has been the most recent place with accumulating snow. Although not unheard of, it is rare to see this type of event in any year. Places like Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola and southern Georgia all saw snow last week.
Florida smashed its all-time previous snowfall record of 4 inches for the state. New Orleans also beat its record snowfall since 1895.
Take a look at some of the snow totals compared to the average for select southern cities. Most of these areas do not record a seasonal average snowfall, since snow is so rare. In fact, seeing snow all the way to the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico may be considered a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Many Gulf coastal areas are exceeding their neighbors to the north in terms of seasonal snowfall. In some cases, it is almost double the amount of snow so far this season.
The snow this season shown on this map shows there is a void in snow for Iowa and Nebraska. Some areas have seen less than 1 inch of snow in these areas. Every single state this season has seen at least some snow. That is pretty incredible!
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