A storm brewing calls for marathon TV viewing. "Bar Rescue" on Paramount Networks is one of those shows with a cult following, thanks to the host's unapologetic approach. So we're catching up with host Jon Taffer as we “clink” to Season 8.
1. We asked Jon what he's observing, given our current climbing-out-of the-pandemic dimension. “The fact that we're almost like thoroughbred horses in the starting gate now,” Taffer said, with trademark expression. “We just can't wait to get back to work and back out there again… We're going to lose about 38% of our restaurants nationally. That's the bad side of the story. The good side of the story is that I think this summer and fall is going to be boom town. “
2. So what brings him joy when he walks into a bar? “What we do for a living is make people smile," he said. "That's what we do. So when I feet tapping and heads bobbing, and people smiling and interacting. That, to me, is what the bar business is all about.”
3. Is he finding that bars owners are spiraling, or, are they more disciplined now? “Well, I think we've all learned a lot of lessons this year after going through an experience like this," he said. "I think we're watching our dimes and dollars. I think we're much more discipled even about sanitation than we were in the first place...This has been a real wakeup call."
4. Ticking off Taffer. What kind of bartenders raise his blood pressure? The ones, he says, who claim to not have the resources. Oh, and blaming others before accepting that they are to blame and own up to themselves. “Most of these excuses are really just reconciliation to the mistakes. You know, we mess up and then we come up with some excuses as to why we mess up, and then we don't have to feel bad about messing up anymore. But when we stop giving ourselves that out with an excuse, that's when we look in the mirror and say, I'm failing because of me. And when you say that, that's when you change.”
5. Catch new episodes of "Bar Rescue" on Paramount Network Sundays at 10 p.m.