PORT ORANGE, Fla. — Three Port Orange Chick-fil-A restaurants are teaming up with U.S. Hunger Projects this weekend to pack 10,000 meals for the community.

More than 40 volunteers will assemble Jambalaya meal kits at Atlantic High School on Saturday, Aug. 18.

The meals will be donated directly to Second Harvest Food Bank of Volusia County.

“When we come together to give back, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of our community members,” said Shan Queen, the local owner-operator of Chick-fil-A Port Orange. “We’re so grateful for the Port Orange community’s support of this event.”

Hunger Projects arranges meal packing events to address hunger needs in the community.

Second Harvest is a nonprofit organization that collects, stores and distributes donated food to more than 750 feeding partners throughout Central Florida.

Last year, the food bank distributed enough food for 78 million meals to partner programs such as food pantries, soup kitchens, women’s shelters, senior centers, day care centers and Kids Cafes.