With a surge of American flags made overseas entering the market, consumers may not realize the impact on local manufacturers and the quality of the flags displayed.

Julye Spinelli, owner of Saratoga Flag Company, raised concerns about the increasing number of Chinese-made flags sold in the U.S.

What You Need To Know

  • A surge of imported American flags, primarily from China, is impacting local manufacturers 
  • Many imported flags are purchased online, often with misleading claims of being American-made
  • The "Make American Flags in America Act" aims to combat deceptive marketing and support domestic production
  • The "All-American Flag Act" requires federal agencies to buy flags made entirely in the U.S.
  • Industry leaders emphasize the importance of supporting American craftsmanship to preserve quality and jobs

"We gauge it by the flags we receive for retirement. Before the lockdown, we might get one or two Chinese-made flags. Now, over 75% are made in China," Spinelli said.

The influx is largely due to online purchases and deceptive marketing tactics. According to the Flag Manufacturers Association of America, 94% of American flags are manufactured in the United States. Of the 6% imported, most come from China.

Spinelli and other American flag retailers are working with Congress to pass the "Make American Flags in America Act," which targets online retailers that falsely claim their flags are American-made.

"The U.S. flag industry domestically cannot fight back. It's too huge, it's a wildfire out of control. The federal government really needs to step in," Spinelli added.

In July, the "All-American Flag Act" was passed, requiring the federal government to purchase flags entirely made in the U.S. The act differs from the proposed "Make American Flags in America Act," which specifically addresses misleading marketing.

Reggie Vandenbosch, of Valley Forge Flag, one of the largest U.S. manufacturers, emphasized the importance of the legislative efforts.

"There's more pride in the flag when it's made in the states," he said.

A visual inspection shows the difference between the flags. American flags are made from high-quality materials and have clear labeling. In contrast, Chinese-made flags often lack proper labeling, and are made from lower-quality materials.

Without action, the American flag industry faces significant challenges.

"We're going to see our flag industry disappear fairly quickly because there's a full-court press going on right now to take over the flag industry," Vandenbosch warned.

For more information on the "Make American Flags in America Act," visit here.

To learn about the "All-American Flag Act," visit here.