The 2024 presidential race is well underway. Florida's primary election is slated for Aug. 20, and voters have until Monday, July 22 to register to vote or update their registration.

Florida is a closed primary state, which means voters will need to lock in their party affiliation by that date in order to participate in their chosen primary elections.

Voters looking to vote by mail should make sure to get their applications in before Thursday, August 8. Those who already signed up for vote by mail ballots will be recieving them soon. The first round of ballots started being sent out July 6.

Residents of Central Florida looking to avoid potentially long lines at their polling places can take part in early voting, which will be open from August 5 through August 18.

After the primary, the general election, where voters can choose who takes up residency in the White House will take place on November 5. Before that, voters should make sure to be registered or update their registration on or before October 7, and early voting will take place from October 21 through November 3.