ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A proposed wave pool has residents in the Horizon West section of Orange County a little divided. While some share concerns about how the attraction would fit into their growing neighborhood, others say they are all for it.

What You Need To Know

  • A proposed wave pool would sit on 43-acres in the Horizon West

  • The company Ocean Sports Development is behind the project and wants to build the Orlando Surf Park

Orange County leaders met Wednesday night to weigh in on project plans and a potential site for the project.

The company Ocean Sports Development is behind the project and wants to build the wave pool, called Orlando Surf Park.

It is the very early stages of this pending project, but the proposed site would sit on 43-acres next to a busy intersection in the Horizon West area.

At a community meeting, Orange County residents got to voice their excitement and reservations for a new project that would bring an artificial surf park to their neighborhood.

Some residents argue the area already suffers from heavy traffic and adding another attraction would worsen the congestion on the roads, plus add extra noise.

However, Orange County Commissioner Nicole Wilson said she’s backing the opportunity for a recreational project, which she says benefits more than just surfers.

“I think anytime you have more robust educational opportunities, the economic opportunities flow from that. So, the more things our youth, kids have to do, whether they’re summer jobs or going and actually learning something. I think we get to see an economic benefit. Maybe not right then and there, but down the line,” Wilson said.

Some question whether the surf park would replace surfing at the beach? One resident, who is an avid surfer, said if it comes between surfing in the ocean or the wave pool, he’d pick the ocean every time.

“The answer is no. If the conditions were similar in pool, and then ocean, I’d surf in the ocean every day. But the reality is there’s so much that goes into creating a great day of surfing on the beach in the ocean, and it’s a rare occasion where all those things lineup,” Keith Stephenson said.

The proposed site, which was a previous private landfill, is at 7902 Avalon Road in Horizon West, according to Spectrum News 13’s partners at The Orlando Sentinel.

If approved, developers are hoping to begin construction sometime next year. Until then, they’ll continue working with residents to make this project work for everyone.