ORLANDO, Fla. — The 8th annual Women's Veterans Tea Party was hosted Saturday morning by the Orlando VA Health Care System.

The event pays tribute to women who have served our country.

What You Need To Know

  •  Orlando VA Health Care System hosted their 8th annual Women's Veterans Tea Party 

  • The event focuses on mind, body, spirit and female empowerment

  •  Program managers and coordinators say that it's important to have programs for female veterans 

Women's Veteran Program Manager Lisa Martel said the tea party has grown over the years. The first tea party had about 25 women. The event today had 100 women in attendance.

The event focuses on mind, body, spirit and female empowerment.

"The fact that the VA is promoting that, and promoting things for women is absolutely amazing," said Elizabeth Jackson, Armor Program Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinator. "I have been in the VA system for 18 years now as both a veteran and a staff member, so I have seen the growth we’ve had for women veterans, and it is absolutely amazing.” 

Jackson said it's important that women feel supported and have programs and services in place to help them.