ORLANDO, Fla. — Some Baldwin Park residents say they were forced to leave their homes, with Christmas right around the corner, after their town home building was flooded Wednesday.

Residents say they believe the flood was caused by roofers breaking a pipe connected to a fire sprinkler. Now, they say they’re unsure who will foot the bill for the damage.

What You Need To Know

  • Residents of a town home complex in Baldwin Park experienced a flood on Wednesday

  • They say the flood happened after the roofers hired by the HOA broke a pipe

  •  Residents affected say they don't know who will pay to repair the damage

Kevin Wall said water rushed down his walls and dripped from his fixtures Wednesday. The source, he and his neighbors believe, was caused a broken fire sprinkler pipe that was damaged by roofers working on town home next door.

“We had water pouring out of the light fixture, pouring out of the electrical plug,” said Wall.

Wall says both his son and mother face health issues that could be exasperated by mold. On Friday, the entire home was filled with generator-powered fans to try to air out the home.

Wall said he was advised by his electrician to keep the power off out of fear it could pose a safety risk.

Still, Wall considers himself lucky. He says his neighbor next door lost practically everything as water rushed through his side of the town home.

But Wall says he has no idea who will be paying for the damage they’ve all faced.

He says the HOA hired the roofers they believe were responsible for the broken pipe. Residents say they have been given a runaround on whose insurance will have to pay.

In the meantime, Wall says he does not know where the money will come from to fix what could amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“We don’t want to spend the next year of our life fighting and dealing with, ‘Is it this insurance company? Is it that insurance company? Whose responsibility? Whose fault?’” he said.

In the meantime, none of the residents living in the town home building have been able to return home. Many have left to stay with family over Christmas, while others are now living in hotels.

Wall says he’s thankful for local businesses that have assisted his family. A local Baldwin Park dog store has taken in his pets, and he says his electrician dropped everything to come ensure the home was safe.