DELTONA, Fla. — Deltona city leaders are looking at ways to diversify the type of businesses they have in the city, while also limiting the number of small-box stores.

What You Need To Know

  • Deltona City officials are proposing a moratorium on small-box discount stores in the city

  • They said small-box discount stores include retailers like Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General
  • According to city officials, there are currently 14 small box stores in Deltona and two more have expressed interest in coming to the city

  • During its Nov. 27 meeting, city commissioners voted to have a workshop where they will continue the discussion about land use codes and the moratorium

The mayor, along with city commissioners, proposed a resolution that would give the local government more control over the type of developments within the city.

These concerns date back to 2020, when city leaders denied a proposal for a small-box store moratorium. It was first brought up after some expressed concerns about a lack of healthy food choices and food desert concerns.

Three years later, those concerns are back, with some residents saying there are too many dollar stores in the area.

“I’ve been living in Deltona for about 20 years now — moved here from Brooklyn, New York,” resident Michael Houlker said. For the past two years, he has been working at the Top of The Line barber shop in Deltona.

He is one among many Deltona residents who expressed concerns about the number of small-box stores, also known as dollar stores, in the city.

“What we have is enough," Houlker said. "We don’t need a dollar store in every corner."

According to interim Public Works Director Phyllis Wallace, there are currently 14 small box stores in Deltona and 2 more have expressed interest in coming to the city.

A recent city resolution, No. 2024-01, proposed ways in which the city can have more control over where these types of businesses go, including distance separation between them or confining them to certain zoning categories.

The resolution defines a small box discount store as a retail store that is 16,000 square feet or less, offering items for sale at a price lower than traditional retail stores. They would include retailers like Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General.

“Let’s have a conversation about it," Deltona City Mayor Santiago Avila Jr. said at the Nov. 27 City Commission meeting. "We are not restricting them … let’s put a halt to what we are doing so we can actually plan out what we have to get done, and then make sure that we actually get things that are worth coming to our city,”  

According to the resolution, these small box stores may not be appropriate in all non-residential zoning districts and may negatively impact the public health, safety and welfare.

The document states that these types of establishments in other locations in Florida have been known to contribute to a lower food environment index and may contribute to other harmful secondary impacts on the surrounding properties.

“I feel like it’s a lot — a little bit too much, maybe," Houlker said. "We can definitely make room for some other businesses to come in, especially, you know, with us being a small business ourselves."

“We have actually a guy that comes to our barbershop — he brings food every Wednesday and Thursday," he added. "I would love to see him get his type of a Jamaican restaurant in Deltona."

City officials say a temporary halt aims to give the city time to review and update land use codes. The proposed moratorium will pause the development of new small-box stores for a minimum of six months.

Houlker said bringing more businesses that aren't small-box stores will also mean more employment opportunities.

“You kind of limit people by just giving them a dollar store to work at," he said. "People have careers they are going to school for. Other things that you can put in businesses where they can actually get a job in their backyard."

During their Nov. 27 meeting, commissioners voted to have a workshop to continue the discussion of the small box store moratorium and the future land use code. They’re still working on setting a date for that workshop.