OAKLAND, Fla. — The town of Oakland in West Orange County is considered by many a hidden gem.

But with no grocery stores or restaurants, it’s hard to draw in visitors and leaves residents no other choice but to head to other towns to get what they need.

That is why town leaders recently started their first Farmers Market.

What You Need To Know

  • The town of Oakland in West Orange County is appreciated for its beauty and small-town atmosphere, earning a reputation as a hidden gem.

  • Despite its appeal, Oakland faces challenges due to the absence of grocery stores and restaurants, forcing residents to travel to nearby towns for their shopping needs

  • In response to this issue, Oakland’s town leaders launched a Farmers Market on Thursdays, aiming to provide residents with easier access to fresh local goods and fostering a sense of community

  • Locate the Farmers Market in the map below

  • Are you a vendor? Email specialevents@oaklandfl.gov

Julia Palomares and her husband Alex were among those to visit the market. They moved to Oakland Park from Mexico five years ago.

“It was basically just a post office and these couple of buildings. Very quiet and even where we live. It was not as built up as it is now. So, it is becoming a really popular area, but we know why, it’s very beautiful,” said Palomares. 

While they love the small-town feel, it can come with challenges, like not having a grocery store in town. They said they end up going down the road to Clermont for shopping.

“You make a purposeful trip, but we make plenty of those,” said Palomares.

It’s something that Oakland leaders recognize and are working to change, first by launching a brand new Farmers Market on Thursdays. The Palomares now ride their bikes there for easier access to fresh local goods. 

“It is awesome! It just adds a different layer quality of life to living in this area. It is wonderful, and it brings people together. It just brings life to these smaller places. It is really nice,” said Palomares. 

The town of Oakland says they picked Thursday to not compete with other markets in Central Florida and it is one of the busiest days on the West Orange Trail, where about 1,500 people bike, walk or run through this area toward the end of the week. About 40 local vendors take advantage of this new opportunity, like Fruits of Your Labor, where the Palomares are becoming regulars.

“We are moving in that direction for sure,” said Palomares.

Contessa and Michael Rashford started their juice business earlier this year and jumped at the chance to come to Oakland.

“It gives us a chance to meet with the community. But not only that, they can put a face to the name of the product,” said Contessa Rashford, a co-owner of Fruits of Your Labor.

While the market is still new, they say they consistently sell out. This is an opportunity they wouldn’t have otherwise.

“For us, we are full-time entrepreneurs. So, for us, it matters that we do have something throughout the week because otherwise we are waiting until the weekend to be out and to give our products to the community. So having something throughout the week, it has a big difference. It has increased the sales so we are just excited about it,” said Rashford.

As for the Palomares, now that they can load up their bikes and skip a drive to the store. The ability to do this makes them excited for the future, with a new reason to love living in Oakland.

“It’s a great day for us. It’s just fun. Fun addition to life,” said Palomares. 

The Farmers Market is held in front of The Healthy West Orange Arts & Heritage Center on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m.