ORLANDO, Fla. — There was a time when Fashion Square Mall in Orlando was the place to go shopping, but recently it’s become a place for organizations and nonprofits to set up shop, and take action for the community.
Spectrum News 13 was invited inside one of those former storefronts that’s become the backdrop for something pretty special. It’s the home of Joshua’s House, an organization that provides therapy and support for children with physical and mental health challenges. They do it through art therapy, music therapy and even behavior therapy.
“To be able to promote that they can express themselves, but also to integrate them into the society,” said Maryolys Rojas, a volunteer with Joshua’s House.
While living in Cuba, Rojas was a nurse, but started her U.S. career as a clinical social worker. The kids she works with at Joshua’s House have mental health and physical challenges that are made better by the therapy.
“In this population, especially with children that struggle with communication, we integrate them into activities that they can balance their emotions, and also to improve communication, especially when they are in school,” Rojas added.
She started working with the nonprofit in 2016 after it was started by Elizabeth Valencia, whose son is Joshua. Valencia said Rojas has made such an impact on the organization.
“She’s a good friend, and open heart for everybody. She has the dedication, especially because she has a special kid,” Valencia said of Rojas.
Joshua’s House hosts summer camps for kids, and camps for later in the year, as well. Valencia says the earlier you treat a cognitive disorder, the better the chances that kids can grow up living a more normal life.