ORLANDO, Fla. – Just in time for the busy holiday season, next week the Central Florida Expressway Authority is opening the final ramp at the newly reconfigured SR-528 and SR-436 interchange in front of Orlando International Airport.

What You Need To Know

  • Final ramp to reopen at reconfigured SR-528 & SR-436

  •  Project expected to help traffic flow at Orlando International Airport

  •  Crews are still building an extra lane to SR-528 in both directions in front of MCO

The 118 million dollar project is supposed to help ground traffic keep up with the growing air traffic at MCO.

“We got rid of the two loop ramps that used to be here and replaced them with these very smooth curving flyover ramps and that really helps traffic flow through the interchange,” said Kathy Putnam with the Central Florida Expressway Authority.

Mike Flood, a driver for Park ‘N Go says he has seen the increase in traffic on State Road 436 as he picks up and drops off passengers at the airport. “I’ve seen probably close to 300 accidents just in the 6 years here,” said Flood.

With a new terminal, and more flights in the works for the airport, ground traffic is only going to get worse.

“Sometimes when you’re pulling out, you’re pulling out of a NASCAR pit stop,” Flood says.

The project also includes adding an extra lane to State Road 528 in both directions between Conway Road and Goldenrod Road to ease congestion.