ORLANDO, Fla. — Inspirate will once again launch its Aspire to Inspire STEM program to educate Hispanic high school students about science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

What You Need To Know

  •  Inspirate's Aspire to Inspire STEM program plans to return 

  • The goal is to draw more Hispanics to study science, technology, engineering and math

  • The program received a grant from the Hispanic Federation to help it resume

  • Only 17% of the STEM workforce is Hispanic, the PEW Research Center reports

“Our mission is to inspire Hispanic children to complete high school and pursue careers in STEM,” Inspirate founder Margie Viera said.

The nonprofit program received a Hispanic Federation grant to help restart the program, Viera said. 

Before the closure, Inspirate would host school tours, youth STEM summits and even host events at Walt Disney World. 

Hispanics only make up about 17% of the STEM workforce, according to the PEW Research Center. 

To try to improve on that number, Jose Carlos Cotto plans to become a mentor for Inspirate’s Aspire to Inspire STEM program. 

Cotto is a research and test engineer for Battelle Memorial Institute, the STEM nonprofit that produced one of the first rapid COVID-19 tests.

“If I can help just one person pursue a STEM career, then I’ve done my job,” Cotto said.

The program needs more mentors before it can kick off in August, Viera said.