CLERMONT, Fla. — A 9-year-old Clermont boy has written and illustrated a book with his mother to help him and others like him process life during the pandemic.

What You Need To Know

  • "Together We Can Say" was written and drawn by Clermont boy and mom

  • It began as way to help cope with pandemic, but they wanted to share

  • Whitley family hopes book can help open communication channels

Together We Can Say is the latest creative work from Aiden Whitley and his family.

“I wanted to lead him into a direction by the end of the questions where he would be thinking on a more positive level, to focus on the future ahead, and what he can do to make the best out of the situation we were in,” mom Kelly Whitley said.

Although the book started as a home activity, it dawned on Kelly that the pages of their book needed to be something that was open to guide other families.

Aiden himself said creating the book has helped him cope with his feelings.

“I had no idea what anyone was talking about. Once I knew what was going on, I started to feel more stressed about this, but once we got into the making of this book ... (it) was actually making me feel better bit by bit,” Aiden said.

Their manuscript was approved on Kindle earlier this year, and now Kelly hopes the book will encourage parents to have more conversations about the coronavirus with their kids.

“The goal for the book is for it to have an impact obviously and to allow families to have that type of communication and safety for children to know,” Kelly Whitley said. “I am allowed to say how I feel, and they are going to hear me and help me."