ORLANDO, Fla. — Protesters demonstrated inside the Florida Mall on Wednesday, to demand justice for Salaythis Melvin, who was shot by an Orange County deputy August 7 just outside of the mall.

“We’re demanding that the officer be fired,” protest organizer Miles Mulrain said as he stood next to some of Melvin’s family members. “We’re demanding that the officer be criminally charged. We’re demanding that the sheriff speak up and make an apology for the statements that were released."

What You Need To Know

  • Protesters marched through Florida Mall and chanted

  • They said they wanted to make shoppers aware of incident

  • More protests planned for Friday

Body camera footage from deputies who were coming on scene shows Melvin, 22, running away before he was shot.

The deputy who fired on him said that Melvin had his hand on a gun in his waistband and turned back toward him as he ran. He said he feared Melvin was going to shoot him.

Mulrain said protesters believe Melvin’s shooting deserves just as much attention as what’s being given to the one of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

“And I’m glad that Jacob Blake survived, but Salaythis isn’t here no more,” Mulrain said. “So we feel even more obligated to get awareness for this. We need that same response. We need that same act of desperation that you see from the NBA.” 

Organizers urged protesters not to block traffic as they had in previous demonstrations.

To keep the focus on Melvin, they entered the mall to make shoppers inside aware of what happened to Melvin outside. 

They chanted in the common areas of the mall, doing no damage and not going into any stores. 

Protester Brittney, who didn't want to give her last name, said she came as a mother of children of color.

She said she feels for Melvin’s mother and fears for her own children.

“Both of my sons are mixed; they’re half-Black, and it just touched my heart,” Brittney said. “She still has no answers. She still has no justice. Her baby’s not home, he’s gone forever.”. 

Mulrain said more demonstrations are planned for Friday.