ORLANDO, Fla. — Storm season this year kicked off in dramatic fashion as tornadoes struck Central Florida, with one damaging homes just blocks from downtown Orlando.

What You Need To Know

  • Enhanced Doppler radar called Klystron 13 comes to Spectrum News 13

  • Klystron 13 has clearer radar signal, which means more resolution

  • Also allows our meteorologists to track storm wind velocities in real time

Caroline Leonard survived the storms, which struck in June, but her home suffered significant damage.

"It sounded like a train coming through the house. I heard glass and booming," she said.

"I think my roof is in the backyard. My front and back porch are gone. My car is destroyed." 

Spectrum News 13 tracked the tornado live on air, using not only live cameras but radar technology as the twister moved out of sight. 

But soon, that forecasting will be enhanced by Spectrum News 13’s new Klystron 13 Doppler radar. 

“One difference you'll see is a clearer radar signal that will give better resolution. We'll be able to show you in more detail where storms are starting to develop, where they are heading, and what they may hold," Chief Meteorologist Bryan Karrick said.

Another enhancement will be the ability to have a live look into the storm wind in real time. Most radars only update velocity every six minutes.

That's a key upgrade when just a few moments can mean getting people to safety, like Leonard.