KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Hispanics will be the largest voting minority for the first time in the 2020 presidential election. Poder Latinx is a brand new organization working to get out the Hispanic vote in big numbers. Here’s how:

1. Reach: In the past three months, Poder Latinx has registered 17,000 voters. Next year from May to November they will knock on more than 400,000 doors.

2. Branches: There are offices in Orange, Osceola and Lake counties.

3. Focus: Latinx says the main issues they want to focus on are climate justice, economic justice, and immigrant justice.

4. Political: Poder Latinx is not just a 501 c3 nonprofit but also a 501 c4, which allows for more political engagement. They plan to endorse candidates who align with their vision for the 2020 election.

5. Census: With the Census also happening in 2020 Poder Latinx is raising awareness about it among Hispanics. They want to ensure Latino households are not at risk of being undercounted.