ORLANDO, Fla. — The Puerto Rican legislature postponed its vote to appoint a new secretary of state until Monday, leaving the question of who will permanently replace the outgoing governor unanswered.
According to the Puerto Rican Constitution, once Gov. Ricardo Rosselló resigns Friday at 5 p.m., Secretary of Justice Wanda Vazquez will become the interim governor over the weekend.
That's because there is currently no secretary of state to take over.
The legislature was supposed to appoint Pedro Pierluisi as Secretary of State on Thursday. Now Vazquez may have to serve and finish the rest of Rossello's term, because it’s unclear whether Pierluisi will even be approved by the Legislature.
It's a position she tweeted she has no interest in.
“The only way she will not be the governor is if she listens to what the people are asking and resigns as secretary of justice,” said Oscar Martínez, a criminal defense lawyer from Puerto Rico who specializes in constitutional law.
She could also finish out the remaining 17 months left on Rosselló's term if Pierluisi is not approved.
Pierluisi was a former member of the House Representatives for Puerto Rico. He was also secretary of justice under Gov. Pedro Rosselló, the current governor’s father.
One of Pierluisi’s biggest achievements was when he ensured the island was covered under the Affordable Care Act.
“While he was secretary of justice, there were over 40 federal indictments for corruption cases, while in the state there were zero,” Martínez said.
However there’s another conflict of interest he currently faces with his current job.
“He acts as attorney for the fiscal oversight board of Promesa, who oversees the financial economic actions of the island,” Martínez said.
“Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi has done a lot for Puerto Rico particularly to try to promote jobs and the environment,” said Rep. Darren Soto, (D-Kissimmee). “He has a lot of experience, so he would be a good fit right now. But he would have to address issues regarding his role in Promesa, representing the fiscal board and afterwards in his private career. Those are legitimate concerns and he has to make his case to the senators and the elected senators will make their ultimate decisions, but answers need to be put on the record.”
Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz postponed the vote. Martínez said Schatz wants to take over as governor himself once Roselló resigns.