ORLANDO, Fla. — Census data shows a lot more people are moving to Central Florida, and with the great weather we have for a good portion of the year, fishing is a huge pastime. But there are some tips you should know about before you hit the water.

Tip #1: Get a fishing license

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says you need a fishing license if you cast your line, catch, and release — that applies to freshwater and saltwater fishing.

There is a such thing as a saltwater license, which is needed if you're going to take crabs, lobsters, or marine plants.

Tip #2: Get your license online

Another tip, you'll need that saltwater license to attempt to take native, and nonnative marine organisms, too. Where do you go for your license? You can do it online, on the phone, or at your local county's tax collector's office.

Here are each county’s website:

Tip #3: Know the exceptions

There are some exceptions: kids under 16 years old, or if you're older than 65.

If you are 65 or older, you have to prove your age and where you live with a driver’s license or a state issued ID card.

What is proof of residency in Florida? Well, if you've declared Florida as your only state of residence and say so on a license or ID card, and can be verified by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

You can also be active duty military stationed here in Florida.

The FWC website has a lot of great tips.

If you know of a "life hack" or a tip/trick that helps make your life in Central Florida easier and want to share it, head to www.mynews13.com/insider and let us know by filling out the form.