Butler’s Preserve in Orlando may look like an ordinary community, but all 58 homes were built by a not-for-profit, giving folks a pathway to home ownership.

  • Orlando Habitat for Humanity expands to Osceola Co.
  • Organization wants to addresss area's housing issue

Ask Tonya Rutland, who went from a tiny studio apartment to her very own house.

“They are a blessing from God,” she said.

To own her own home, Rutland did not have to pay a down payment and her loan had zero interest. She said this was all a huge help in making her dream more attainable.

Now other residents in Osceola County will be able to do the same, all through the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Orlando. Because the organization is expanding its services to Osceola County, it has changed its name to Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County.

A community like Butler’s Preserve is what Habitat for Humanity would like to mirror in Osceola County-- but first they need to find available land.  

“We are firmly committed to keep the cultural and identity of Osceola County through the fabric of everything were going to bring and collaborate with while we are here,” said Katherine Steck McManus, president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County. “Thank you for inviting us into your community and we can't wait and we can’t wait to get to work.”

Rutland hopes folks in Osceola County can benefit as much as she has.

“Never say never because it can happen. And it did for me, you know but like I say,” Rutland said. “You have to have that positive feel about everything and you have to be willing to put in the work and the effort for it.”

McManus said the organization has added Osceola County into its mission in order to address Central Florida’s critical affordable housing need.