Osceola REDI is looking for volunteers to help with relief efforts, specifically in helping vulnerable residents.

  • Osceola REDI looking for volunteers for this week
  • Group tied to county emergency operations

Osceola REDI, short for Recovery from Emergency Disaster Initiative, is tied to Osceola County's Emergency Operations Center. 

Tom Renehan from St. Cloud deals with a form of ALS, he was also recently diagnosed with cancer. He takes care of his son, Dan Renehan, who has Cerebral Palsy and his daughter-in-law, Toni Lee Renehan, who has Williams Syndrome, a developmental disorder.

It's a tough journey that's been even tougher as this family works to clear out what Hurricane Irma left behind.

Tom Renehan said he is grateful to have gotten a hand with heavy lifting and cleanup efforts from volunteers with Osceola REDI.

“And they came to help. What they did in about three hours probably would have take us about three weeks,” Renehan said.

“I would think it was great that they came out and gave us a hand,” Dan Renehan said. “Because if there was no county and nobody came, we would never get this done.”

Anyone can sign up for a shift to volunteer. Take it from 8-year-old Eli Dodge and his family, who have helped clear debris and organized donations at shelters.

“Sometimes it can actually be fun when you’re volunteering. All the time that I went, I’ve had so much fun,” Dodge said.

The Renehans call this act of kindness a blessing, and they hope more families are blessed in the same way.

“And it takes a lot of heart for someone to care for someone who is in need, said Toni Lee Renehan. “Especially when it's something that desperately needs help.”

The group is looking for people to work this week, possibly doing clean up or heavy lifting. They would work two shifts a day.

If you're interested, contact Kelly Trace at 407-908-8238, or email at kelly@itsjustreach.com.