ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A pair of Masai giraffe calves have joined the other animals on the savanna at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

What You Need To Know

  • Giraffe calves join animals on savanna at Disney's Animal Kingdom

  • The pair, Maple and Zella, can now be seen at Kilimanjaro Safaris

  • The giraffes will be spending more time on the savanna

The two calves, Maple and Zella, can now been seen at the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction.

Photos of the pair were shared on Disney’s Animals, Science and Environment Facebook page Thursday.

“They’ve spent a lot of time bonding backstage with moms Mara and Willow, and today was like a big party with the rest of the family and a few neighbors, including zebra, wildebeest and springbok,” the post read.

Dr. Mark Penning, vice president of Disney’s Animals, Science and Environment, also shared the news on his Instagram account. Penning also revealed the meaning behind the calves’ names.

Maple’s name was chosen after keepers noticed one of her spots resembled a maple leaf, Penning said. As for Zella, her name means “beautiful girl, who knows the path” in Slavic and African languages.

The calves will be spending more time on the savanna so park visitors should try to spot them the next time they’re on Kilimanjaro Safaris.