We are in for a real treat with an opportunity to view the celestial event of a lifetime as the next total solar eclipse occurs on April 8, 2024.

What You Need To Know

  • Eclipse viewing should be done while wearing solar viewing glasses

  • The ethereal halo of the sun's corona will be visible during a few minutes of totality

  • The total solar eclipse will attract viewers from all over the world to the path of totality

If you feel like three years is too long of a wait, don't fret, there is an annular solar eclipse happening in October.

It's the 2024 total solar eclipse that will mark a very special occasion as New York State is located under the path of totality.

If you remember, we were treated to a partial eclipse view on a hot summer day back on August 24, 2017.

I watched that partial eclipse view from Lake George. The next viewing opportunity that puts us directly under the path of totality here in New York could allow us to experience something very special. 

You may wonder where to situate yourself to take in the eclipse. Sky permitting, you'll most likely marvel as the moon appears to cover the sun in the path of totality nearby your own home.

If you trek less than an hour north of Albany, you'll settle right under the path of totality. The Adirondack Park is between the central line to the southern limit of the path of totality.

Cities like Plattsburgh and Watertown are located nearly under the central line of totality. 

Even if you are not under that narrow strip of totality, you'll still have a shot at a decent partial eclipse view. 

The eclipse process can be seen from late morning through the afternoon however, the sweet spot for viewing the total eclipse will be around 3:25 p.m. over the Adirondacks (as a point closest to us) and this lasts a little under three minutes.

This is when the sky will appear to be pretty dark. 

Our Spectrum News App has other areas under the path of totality, so check out some other areas under the path of totality by visiting the app

If you want to remain close to home and get a view of this amazing event, all we can do is hope for fair weather skies on April 8, 2024. Another thing to remember is to wear protective eye-ware specifically made for solar eclipse viewing.

If you don't want to invest in solar viewing glasses, you can make your eclipse pinhole projector at home with a box. 

I know, it may seem silly to prepare for something so far off, but this total solar eclipse truly brings it home and because the next one isn't due until 2045 and that's a long way off! 

Truly, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event for many. 

Let's not forget how April can be a fickle time of year when it comes to the weather.

All we can do is hope the skies are clear enough to see this amazing event three years from now on the 8th day of the month.