ORLANDO, Fla.— The influence of a good teacher can never be erased. 

“Like I tell most students, graduation can never be the end goal, it’s the first stepping stone,” said Emily Loftus, Dr. Phillips’ college and career specialist. 

When Dr. Phillips’ college and career specialist, Emily Loftus, met 6’10” basketball star, Ernest Udeh Jr. they formed an instant bond. 

Loftus realized from the jump that Udeh had some stones left unturned. 

“I’m constantly pushing him to look at the next stepping stone and not the stone that’s just in front of him," said Loftus. 

Udeh had multiple offers to play Division I college basketball. Back in November, the Senior leader picked Kansas but as he learned soon after, the final choice was just a small part of making that next big step. 

“After he made his decision on where he was going to school, you think it was the biggest check mark you needed to make but we had to do a FASA, an application, we had to send transcripts,” said Loftus.

“It was really hectic. I thought it was going to die down but it didn’t,” said Udeh. 

The two spent several hours a week making sure Udeh is set for college and life after basketball. 

“I’m just excited to see him become something bigger than basketball because he is going to be. It’s not just going to be basketball with Ernest. He is going to be a business owner one day, he is going to help shape the lives of other people. I don’t know how yet but I know he’s going to do it,” said Loftus. 

That forward thinking helps Udeh stand out from the rest and while on the court it’s his skills and size that do the trick naturally. 

In Udeh’s opinion, it’s something else that elevates him to the top. 

“Every team that you’re going to play on, every hooper that you’re going to meet, it’s not the same for everyone. Everyone’s why is not the same. Everyone does it for a different reason. My entire family is my why. Just putting us in a better situation. Having the ability and the chance to put us in a better situation is really the whole reason I do this,” said Udeh. 

As Udeh continues to work his way up he remembers who helped him along the way. 

“When it comes to my entire circle all I can really say is I am blessed. From my mom, to coach, to Emily. She has just allowed me to really just expand my horizon on stuff that I can learn,” said Udeh. 

Because a positive impression, can never be erased. 

“The ultimate goal with Ernest is I want him to be happy and I want him to be successful while being happy,” said Loftus.