Former President Donald Trump is predicting the demise of the speechwriting profession after he says he delivered a speech that was rewritten by artificial intelligence.

What You Need To Know

  • Former President Donald Trump is predicting the demise of the speechwriting profession after he says he delivered a speech that was rewritten by artificial intelligence

  • Trump made the comments in an interview on influencer Logan Paul’s podcast “Impaulsive” posted Thursday

  • The former president did not provide any details about when or where he gave the speech or who the person was that created it for him

  • Moments earlier, Trump also expressed concern about AI, mostly deepfakes

Trump made the comments in an interview on influencer Logan Paul’s podcast “Impaulsive” posted Thursday.

“I had a speech rewritten by AI out there,” Trump said. “One of the top people, he said, ‘Oh, you're going to make a speech?’ ‘Yeah.’ He goes, click, click, click, and like 15 seconds later, he shows me my speech, written so beautifully. I said, ‘I'm going to use this sucker.’”

The former president did not provide any details about when or where he gave the speech or who the person was that created it for him.

Asked what he said to his speechwriter about it, Trump joked, “You’re fired!” a reference to his catchphrase on the TV reality show “The Apprentice.”

But he seemed serious that speechwriters in general could soon be out of work.

“One industry, I think, that will be gone are these wonderful speechwriters,” he said. “I've never seen anything like it. And so quickly. In a matter of literally minutes, it's done.”

Moments earlier, Trump also expressed concern about AI, mostly deepfakes. 

He said he saw a commercial of a convincing, AI-generated version of himself promoting product.

“I said, ‘Did I make that commercial? Did I forget that I made that commercial?’” he said.

Trump did not provide any additional details about the ad.

The presumptive Republican nominee offered up a hypothetical doomsday scenario in which someone uses AI to spoof the president’s voice to say the United States has launched nuclear missiles at another country.

“I asked Elon [Musk], is there any way that, like Russia or China, can say that that's not really President Trump?” Trump said. “He said there's no way.”

Trump said the foreign nation would have to check “a certain code” to confirm authenticity, may not have enough time to do so and then launch a counterattack.

“It’s so dangerous in the way.”