ORLANDO, Fla. — Gatorland has been buzzing with excitement since June over the arrival of a new batch of baby American crocodiles that have ties to its most famous reptile, Bonecrusher.

1. Gatorland opened in 1949 as a roadside attraction. In the 1950s, a 15-foot crocodile affectionately known as Bonecrusher helped put it on the map.

2. The Bonecrusher legacy continues at the park, which welcomed a new batch of crocodile hatchlings on Father’s Day.

3. The baby crocs are direct descendants of Bonecrusher. “And believe it or not, this is the third generation of crocodiles for us here at Gatorland,” said Brandon Fisher, Gatorland’s resident Gator Expert.

4. American crocodiles are a threatened species. In Florida, they are protected. Only two to three of the baby crocs might survive in the wild.

5. As for Gatorland’s baby crocs, they will remain in a behind-the-scenes enclosure until they are about a year old. After that, they’ll be introduced into the park.