A daytime party that extends into the night continues at SeaWorld Orlando. So we wanted to find one of the theme park’s creative minds responsible for the high-paced action.
Kenneth Mills manages SeaWorld’s Creative Show Ops team, overseeing special event live entertainment experiences peppered throughout the day and night.
As a kid, live performances rocked his world. “My mother and sisters were all church singers and performers, so I started at a young age.”
Between performing on his high school stage and later becoming a cruise ship director, Ken was a Naval officer. He’s now taking all kinds of disciplines and technical training to help the "back of show" flow at this year’s Electric Ocean. “I can’t see myself anywhere else doing anything else in my life right now.”
Ken is perhaps most stoked about Ignite 360, which is a new nighttime spectacular during Electric Ocean. “We’ve just added 50-something new fountains, LED lights, four pyro platforms.”
Electric Ocean runs most days through Sept. 5. SeaWorld Orlando has added a concert series, too, which will kick off July 9 at the park’s Nautilus Theater and run every Saturday and Sunday through Aug. 7.