BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Kentuckians are offering their input as part of BG 2050, a project that reimagines what Bowling Green should look like in 25 years. A significant part of the project is the National Corvette Museum.
Bryce Burklow, an NCM employee, is one of the project's listening partners. He said he's hoping to grow tourism by more than double.
“By 2050, we’d love to be over a half a million," Burklow said.
To do that, Burklow said it would be wise to market to tourists who not only are passing by on the highway but also those who live in Bowling Green.
"We’re really interested in developing this into town, making sure it’s beautiful, people come out here and feel welcome," he said.
Several people who don’t have cars have wanted more accessibility to areas such as the museum, Burklow said. He said investing in public transportation and more walking trails is one way to accomplish just that.
“We would absolutely love to have some sort of nature trail or a light rail system," he said.
They're also hoping to dabble in virtual reality and augmented reality.
"Put on the AR glasses; take a walk through an engine that would be in a mid-'60s Corvette, being able to walk through that engineering and seeing all the challenges they would have to overcome," said Ryan Eichler, NCM director of marketing communications.
Those interested can give their input on BG 2050’s website.