ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Dr. Alan Smith, a beloved family doctor in St. Petersburg, is retiring after 40 years of practice.
In his last days of work this week, he had special visits and farewells.
One visit came from longtime patient Harry Karim who had another great health check at 94 years old.
And that is for good reason.
Karim has been going to see Smith for the latter part of his golden years.
“He and I have been hanging around each other at least a couple of times a year,” Karim said about Smith. “And I’m thankful. He tells me I don’t act or sound like my age.”
Karim said he has Smith to thank for his health.
Smith is always getting a laugh from his patients and always asking the right questions.
The visits this week are extra emotional from longtime patients, too.
“Still having relationships with people I’ve known a long time and watching their kids grow up and sometimes their kids grow up,” Smith said. “It’s really the gravy of family medicine.”
Smith has too been getting one question.
“I’ve been asked that a lot lately, you know…what am I going to do?” he said.
He followed in his father’s footsteps, Dr. Frank Smith, who graduated from the University of Tennessee Medical School in the class of 1958.
“My father’s old rounding bag down here that he used to take on house calls when I was a kid,” he said, pointing to the doctor kit his father used.
It is part of a sort of history of family medicine museum at the office. That bag now passes on to Dr. Jeremy Smith, who has had time with dad to follow up on the family legacy.
Jeremy Smith now takes over the family practice.
“We talk about life, we talk about patients, we talk about cases,” said Jeremy Smith when asked about the days ahead. “And yeah, we’re going to miss that probably the most.”
Alan Smith’s wife, Johnell, retired after 25 years as a physician’s assistant at Bay Pines VA.
Then she started running the family’s medical office. She is also passing on those duties to Jeremy Smith’s wife.
Alan Smith is grateful he got to spend the last two years collaborating with his son.
“To be able to experience that with him for the last couple of years has been one of the most special, fulfilling things I’ve ever had in my life,” he said.
It is more than just health services well rendered.
It is a life well lived, like many of his patients who have great wisdom to also pass along.
Even if it is hard to let go.
Karim imparted words of advice to Alan Smith as he enters retirement.
“Yeah,” Karim said. “...don’t quit.”