ORLANDO, Fla. — The Florida Highway Patrol is welcoming back members of the force who retired like 76-year-old Charlie Harris, who worked as a trooper for 38 years before retiring.

What You Need To Know

  • Charlie Harris, 76, worked at the Florida Highway Patrol for 38 years, retired, and then unretired

  • Experts say there has been an increase in retired baby boomers returning to work

  • Harris said seniors like him have a range of skills and should use them to their full potential

However, he didn't stay retired for long before he took on a role that would give back to the force.

“That was quite a time,” said Harris.

He retired in 2016, but two years later he decided to come back, just in a different capacity.

“I decided to unretire because I’m a busy person, I’m a people person, I love being around people and I love working," Harris said. "But the good thing about this is I could come back and do something good for an organization that did something good for me.”

Harris is joining an increasing number of retired baby boomers that have returned to work. More than 13% of baby boomers rejoined the labor pool after retirement in 2023, which is nearly a 24% increase from the previous year, according to LinkedIn's economic graph team.

Harris was rehired to help with background check investigations for FHP applicants.

“I’ve seen quite a few come out of retirement just because they feel that need to give and serve,” said Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Tara Crescenzi. “His length of time in the military was a big help for us because we have a lot of applicants that are prior military and he was able to relate to them.”

Florida Highway Patrol trooper Migdalisis Garcia said Harris played a significant role in her hiring process.

“Mr. Charlie ended up doing my background in reference to calling my references, as well as calling my prior jobs," said Garcia, who is a trooper and assistant and public affairs officer. "I take my hat off to Mr. Charlie. After working and serving for 38 years in the Florida Highway Patrol, he would come back and still continue to give and still continue to work."

Harris said seniors like him have a different set of skills and knowledge that they can bring to the table.

“Those that are out there watching this, really think about it, and if you’re in a position to give back, and you’re not doing anything, but sitting around taking it easy," he said. "Maybe what you want to do is go back and help somebody else.”

Crescenzi said the FHP is always happy to have people like Harris on the payroll.

“It is incredible to hire folks like Charlie — we are hoping that others that have come to retire would like to come out of retirement,” Crescenzi said. “All of those years of service they have learned so many different qualities, they became experts in their field and we can utilize that.”

With promotions, transfers, and retirements, the Florida Highway Patrol is actively hiring.

On Oct. 21, FHP will have a hiring event in Orlando, in the hopes of putting a recruiting class together in the next few months.