SANFORD, Fla. — City leaders in Sanford will meet Monday to discuss a utility rate increase during a workshop.

What You Need To Know

  • Sanford city leaders will talk increasing water and sewer rates on Monday 

  • Sanford mayor Art Woodruff says the increase is needed to keep up with inflation and support the city's needs in providing quality utility service, though some residents have expressed concerns

  • The new rate would likely go into effect on Nov. 1 if it passes the city commission

The increase would cause water and sewer rates to go up by 7.5%.

If approved, the increase would raise the cost for a typical household using 4,000 gallons of water and wastewater from $60.74 to $64.98.

Martin Spinks, a Sanford resident and leader of the Sanford Ruck Club, expressed concerns over the proposal.

He says with the rising cost of living, any additional expenses would be tough on families already struggling to make ends meet.

"With inflation and everything going off, it's already been kind of hard for everyone," said Spinks. "We're now at the point where it feels like you have to have three incomes ... just when we're starting to think we're catching up, here comes another hike to knock us all back down.”

Sanford mayor Art Woodruff says the increase is needed to keep up with inflation and support the city's needs in providing quality utility service.

“When you're running a water treatment and sewage treatment plant, we have specialized equipment, specialized chemicals," he said. "And those costs are actually the inflation rate on those is actually higher than the regular inflation rate. And so that's why we're seeing a slightly higher rate increase to keep pace with that.”

City officials will talk about the rate hike at their workshop but won't vote on it until October.

The new rate would likely go into effect on Nov. 1 if it passes the city commission.