ORLANDO, Fla. — Labor Day travel is in full swing at the Orlando International Airport with nearly 900,000 travelers expected to pass through the airport over the six-day holiday travel period.
Officials expect Monday to the busiest travel day with 164,231 passengers anticipated on Labor Day.
According to AAA, Orlando is the number two top ranked domestic destination for Labor Day weekend, following Seattle.
TSA expects traveler numbers to break records — anticipating 17 million people will fly over the holiday weekend nationwide.
Despite the influx of passengers at MCO, many travelers said their experience went smoothly Monday morning.
However, other travelers, like Denise Jones, weren’t so lucky.
“We got to the airport, found out it was cancelled. We had no idea why they didn’t tell us anything, just that it was cancelled. And then they had something in the app about picking another flight, which I did, and once I did that, then it came up with a connection to Denver, which is a 4-hour ride away from where we’re going,” Jones said.
Despite all preparations by the airport, passengers should still be mindful of long lines and travel mishaps.
For any travelers who have to make it out to the airport today, airport officials have some suggestions to help travel plans go smoothly. They say people should arrive early, avoid checking bags if possible and check on their flight status and security wait times on their website.