OCALA, Fla. — The state rested its case and defense attorneys were denied a motion for an acquittal in the trial for Susan Lorincz of Ocala, who faces charges of manslaughter in the death of her neighbor Ajike “Aj” Owens.

Lorincz is accused of fatally shooting Owens on June 2, 2023, through her front door after an altercation with one of Owens’ kids. While defense attorneys say Lorincz acted in self-defense, authorities said Owens was unarmed. 

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During the second day of the trial, family members from Owens’ family took the stand, including her mother, Pamela Dias.

“She had no regards for any human life, certainly not my family,” said Dias. “The amount of emotion and pain to sit here to eat away from the woman who took my daughter’s life.”

Jury members also watched a recorded video conversation between Lorincz and detectives after the shooting, where she is heard repeating several times that she fired the gun because she feared for her life and felt threatened while Owens “pounded” on the door.

She also said her door was locked, according to detectives.

“I thought she was going to come through the door and kill me,” Lorincz said in the recorded conversation. “I’m sorry, that’s what I felt.”

Lorincz claims she heard Owens say she was going to kill her during that encounter, but detectives in the recorded interview said no witnesses said they heard that.

Detectives also asked Lorincz if she wanted to write a letter to Owens’ kids. In that letter she said several things including, “I’m so, so, so sorry, I shot out of fear.”

Witness testimony Monday revealed animosity and arguments between Lorincz and Owens before that day.

Most of the arguments were said to involve Owens’ kids.

According to one witness testimony, Lorincz complained about loud kids screaming and allegedly trespassing near her home.

Deputies also said they had previously responded to a 911 battery call and a verbal altercation call from Lorincz, which involved Owens.

As the trial moves forward, it’s unclear if Lorincz will testify.

The judge says she has the right to, but needs to make a decision before the defense rests its case.

Day three of the trial will begin Thursday at 8:30 a.m.