VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — As we get closer to the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, families are thinking about back-to-school plans. In Volusia County, the school district offers the traditional brick-and-mortar in-person classes, but they also have an alternative for families who prefer their children to learn at home.

What You Need To Know

  • Volusia Online Learning is a program that offers two modalities of classes full-time and part-time to students from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade

  • The program started in 2008 but it saw a major growth during the coronavirus pandemic when one tenth of all the students in the district enrolled in Volusia Online Learning

  • They serve about 500 full-time students and close to 4,000 part-time students

  • If you are interested in trying Volusia Online Learning as an option for your children, registration is now open. You will need to submit an application before July 15

It’s a program called Volusia Online Learning, and it offers full-time and part-time options.

Seventh grader Ella Clifton has been enrolled in the program since her fifth grade year.

Learning how to play the guitar is one thing she enjoys doing.

“I just like making music in general and it just feels good. And although at first, it’s very difficult. As soon as you get into it, it’s a lot easier,” Clifton said.

She says it’s easier for her finding the time to practice because she is a full-time student at Volusia Online Learning.

“I practice 30 minutes every day, and so being online gives me the time to do that,” Clifton said.

Her mother Kimberly Clifton says after doing research on the best option for her fifth grade year, they applied to Volusia Online Learning.

“So, we got the feedback that she made it in, and she got the classes that she wanted. And so, she was super excited to get started,” she said.

Since then, Kimberly Clifton says Volusia Online Learning has really worked well for their family.

“We like the freedom. I work full time, but I travel a lot. So, we wanted to have that flexibility. But we also like the little bit of structure. So, to have the ability to work on our own time but still have support from teachers and staff,” Kimberly Clifton said.

For the past 16 years, Volusia County Schools have offered this online modality of classes known as Volusia Online Learning.

“It’s just so much simpler and a lot easier and just gives me so much free time. It’s just everything in one package,” Ella Clifton said.

The program started in 2008 but saw a major growth during the coronavirus pandemic when one tenth of all the students in the district enrolled in Volusia Online Learning.

“It was already running and fairly well established when the pandemic hit in 2020. And then in 2020 it just exploded,” Principal for Volusia Online Learning Tony Serianni said.

The program offers two modalities of classes, full-time and part-time, to students from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade.

The open application period is from January to July 15 every year. Families can apply online or through their school counselor to see if the student meets the criteria.

Volusia Online Learning is a franchise of Florida Virtual School, but it has a separate application process and a separate platform it uses.

Volusia Online Learning serves about 500 full-time students and close to 4,000 part-time students.

“We need to see the true strong reader. We need to see that you have a good academic history and that you’re willing to go in and kind of do this on your own. Because if you’re deciding to be a full-time virtual student, you’re losing the structure of a traditional school,” Serianni said.

He said they recommend students have a learning coach at home, but it’s up to the student to really make it work.

“You really have to want it if you’re going to do virtual education. And as a student, you have to have that self-discipline and drive to keep going through your classes,” Serianni said.

In Ella Clifton’s case, her mom is her learning coach, making sure she has everything she needs to succeed.

“We set up a schedule. So, every day in the beginning, it was a bit of a challenge to find our groove,” Kimberly Clifton said.

But now, as they go into their third year with V.O.L. they have it down to a science.

“We use that board to write down everything we have to do for each subject that week. And we do one subject each day, and I think that just makes everything a lot more simpler and not like not everything is like piling on top of you. And you have to do all of this in one day,” Ella Clifton said.

According to school officials, they expect to have more than 500 applications for the 2024-2025 school year by the end of the enrollment period.

“It’s given me time to be my own creative person while also having time to complete my work,” Ella Clifton said.

If you are interested in trying Volusia Online Learning as an option for your children, registration is now open. You will need to submit an application before July 15.