BERLIN, Mass. - Cordelia’s Farm in Berlin specializes in small fruits and vegetables, with some flowers and they offer seasonal pick-your-own berries. The farmstand’s owner said there are mainly three things they look out for when the weather gets as hot as it’s been this week.

“Three concerns when it gets hot," Timothy Wheeler said. "The staff that we've got, the visitors the customers; because we're a pick your own operation and they're in the fields part of the time. And then the other issue is the crops.”

Wheeler said for their staff, it's about making sure everyone’s got an opportunity to stay hydrated and cool. Their work schedules are now shifted to earlier in the day to beat the sun.

For customers, Wheeler said a lot of people don’t realize how quickly the heat gets to you when you’re out in the direct sun, so they try to keep a watchful eye and let people know their farmstand has air conditioning inside.

And for the crops, specifically strawberries right now, Wheeler said the heat can really get to them as well and the berries will blister. To combat the heat, Cordelia’s farm is cutting down their pick-your-own times so they can water their fields a little more than usual in the afternoons until it cools down.

When it comes to tending to your own garden at home, Wheeler said his best advice is to pay attention to how the plants are reacting to the heat.

“They need to be cautious of plants, you know, and plants will tell you," Wheeler said. "And you can see the fact that the leaves begin to curl, or they wilt and whatever. Keeping that soil moisture is, you know, in an optimum level. You don't want to overwater, obviously. But you know if you can give them the right amount, [it] really makes a difference. Pay attention, the plants will tell you what's going on.”

As strawberry season comes to an end at Cordelia's, pick-your-own blueberries will start up in a couple of weeks with raspberries closer to fall.

Wheeler's son marks the seventh generation of farmers at Cordelia's Farm.