RALEIGH, N.C. — The COVID-19 pandemic impacted nearly everything in the world, and just like many businesses, the hospitality industry is still recovering.

The North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association said it’s working to help attract and retain employees through a campaign called Serving Careers. The campaign brought in close to 300,000 applications statewide.

What You Need To Know

  • Serving Careers campaign has generated over 300,000 job applications for hospitality jobs

  • Hospitality industry represents more than 20,000 businesses

  • Hospitality represents $33 billion in annual sales and employs 9% of the state’s workforce

The head chef and owner of Crawford and Son, Scott Crawford, opened the Raleigh restaurant in 2016 after wanting to bring what he calls “elevated cuisine” to the Oak City.

“When I became a cook, I found that creative outlet. I found something that could also give me an adrenaline rush,” Crawford said.

From a busser to dish washer to server-chef and then finally an owner, Crawford said his journey has been fulfilling but also challenging and difficult.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Crawford said like many others, he was required to shut down, but he used that time to make adjustments and look toward the future.

“Wages have gone up. We are working on positive culture,” Crawford said.

The NCRLA's Serving Careers campaign was created in October to bring more workers to the hospitality industry. It highlights teamwork, hard work, having a connection to people and the desire to serve others.

Around 300,000 people across the state applied to the campaign.

According to the NCRLA, more than 20,000 businesses are in the hospitality industry, which employs 9% of the state's workforce.

“For us, we are seeing a lot of people come back and a lot of quality people come back to the industry,” Crawford said.

Crawford said although the pandemic caused major setbacks, he will open four new restaurants this year, and he’s hoping some of the many applicants from the campaign will be potential hires for him.

“Literally, anyone can enter this industry like I did at the bottom, and the sky is the limit,” Crawford said.

Of the nearly 300,000 people who applied for the campaign, around 95,000 are in the Triangle and almost 85,000 were in the Charlotte area.

The NCRLA recruitment campaign was funded by a $5 million grant from the state’s portion of the American Rescue Plan and will run through May 2024.

Anyone interested in the campaign or getting involved in the hospitality industry click here.