LARGO, Fla. — The My Safe Florida Home Program is meant to help Floridians harden their homes and lower insurance costs. Another round of funding for the program cleared the senate earlier this month, meaning more residents are one step closer to accessing that grant money.

What You Need To Know

  • The My Safe Florida Home Program, a program meant to help Floridians harden homes, is still facing a major backlog

  • Largo homeowner Cheri Kepple says she applied for the grant last summer and was left waiting for month

  • A spokesman with the State Department of Financial Services says they are currently in the process of approving the last of the grant applications they had on hand last fall

However, the program is still facing a major backlog, as applicants who made the cutoff last year are still waiting.

Largo homeowner Cheri Kepple says she applied for the grant last summer so she could replace her roof. She said she was assured repeatedly that she made the funding cutoff but was still left waiting for months. 

“Six months waiting,” said Kepple. “Not only me, but I’m sure there are a lot of elderly people that are in the queues since August and still haven’t heard a word.”

In the meantime, she says a minor leak in her roof grew to a giant hole. 

Spectrum Bay News 9 called the State Department of Financial Services on her behalf and within a day, her application was pushed through.

A spokesperson says that others who are part of the backlog should expect progress with their applications soon.

“We are currently in the process of approving the last of the grant applications we had on hand last fall when the Legislature met in special session to fund the ‘backlog’ of applicants,” said press secretary Ryan Walker.

The portal is currently closed and is expected reopen on July 1, when additional funding may be available, he said.

As for the bill that proposes another round of funding for the program, it would prioritize low-income senior citizens like Kepple.