SANFORD, Fla. — City leaders in Sanford are evaluating the strain that population growth could put on the police department.

What You Need To Know

  • City leaders in Sanford are considering putting a hold on new housing developments as they work through ways to relieve stress on the police department

  •  Police Chief Cecil Smith said the department is short about 12 officers but will swear in seven new officers Tuesday

  • City officials project a more than 40% increase in housing, with 17 apartment complexes already either under construction or review

During a city commission meeting Monday night, officials discussed the rapid growth in the Sanford community, which has 17 apartment complexes either under construction or near completion. Current projections suggest a more than 40% increase in housing with those complexes.

The police department is not seeing the same rapid growth, however.

"What we are looking at is preparing for the influx of the additional people coming to our city," Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith said.

According to data released by Sanford Police, more than 9,000 911 calls came in to the department in 2023, 500 of which were from new households.

The department is will swear in seven new officers Tuesday to help with the shortage. But Smith said it is short 12 and has had to lean on the county for assistance with cases.

At Monday night's city commission meeting, several city leaders questioned whether law enforcement can accommodate the city's growth. 

“Can we afford to have these apartments, as far as being able to protect and serve all of the people that we’re bringing in?" District 1 Commissioner Sheena Britton asked.

“All we hear about is the strain on our police department, and yet we continue to put more and more of these up,” District 4 Commissioner Patty Mahany said.

City officials are considering suspending new apartment developments as at least a short-term option, but no concrete decision has been made.