ORLANDO, Fla. — Getting children physically fit and mentally ready for the day is what "Coach Allen" is all about.

What You Need To Know

  • Coach Frank Allen volunteers with Westly's Mile 

  • Coach gets children physically fit and ready for the day 

  • He donates his time outside of school hours for the initiative 

  • See more Everyday Heroes right here

Frank Allen volunteers with an initiative in Orange County called Westly's Mile. It's a partnership between Healthy West Orange and the American Heart Association.

"They not only get super-excited about physical activity for the rest of their life, but they also get a little energy burn before school starts, get their brains pumping, get ready to start the day," Allen said.

Allen said being a physical education teacher wasn't something that crossed his mind right away, but he graduated from the University of Central Florida and after some talks with his wife, he applied and got the job.

Allen loves what he does, and that's why he donates his time outside of school hours to promote healthy living.

"Each student has their own individual ID card, and what they do is they come pick them out, based on their grade level," he said. 

The cards are scanned and the children earn points, accolades, and even get a pep rally. It doesn't even matter if the kids are walking, running, or both.

"Coach Allen is one of those amazing volunteers who stepped up and embraced the challenge," said Heather Maloney, executive director for the American Heart Association. "He works every day to inspire kids to reach their fullest potential."

Allen's kids love him, and he loves what he can do for them.

"I've never looked back since, and it's been the best decision my wife ever made for me," he said.