Relief is coming to drivers on State Road 417 in southeastern Orange County.

What You Need To Know

  • The Central Florida Expressway Authority is widening State Road 417 from State Road 528 to International Drive

  • Experts say traffic volume on State Road 417 has doubled in five years

  • Temporary shoulder relief lanes are planned for the future

  • Officials say the work to widen the roadway should wrap up in the summer of 2024

The Central Florida Expressway Authority is widening the toll road from State Road 528 to International Drive.

Expressway Authority Spokesman Brian Hutchings said the extra lane is being added in both directions because of tremendous growth in southwest Orange County.

“We have a section right here that has doubled in traffic volumes in just five years,” he said. “So that’s remarkable when you’re looking at that long-term planning.”

As a part of the project, crews are also building wider shoulders, Hutchings said.

In the coming years, temporary shoulder relief lanes, a first for Central Florida, will be used to help reduce congestion, he said.

“In years down the road, we’re looking at being able to utilize those shoulders in the morning and evening rush hours where there is congestion and backups to keep the traffic flowing during those times and then closing them up and keeping traffic on the regular system,” he said.

Before then, those shoulders will help during serious crashes and emergencies like hurricane evacuations, he said.

“I think it’s a great idea, especially in times like that where everyone is trying to evacuate or there is a horrible accident,” said Ali Spinelli, who uses State Road 417 daily to make deliveries for her charcuterie business. “People need that way to get around and go somewhere faster.”

Officials say construction on the 21-mile widening project is expected to be completed in summer 2024.