ORLANDO, Fla. — It’s the busiest time of year for the Orlando International Airport: spring break season. The travel period runs from March 4th to April 18th and Saturday is expected to be the 4th busiest day during that time. MCO expects over 7 million people to pass through during the 46 days and passengers are feeling the heat.

What You Need To Know

  • It’s the busiest time of year for the Orlando International Airport, spring break season which runs from March 4th - April 18th

  • MCO expects 7 million people to pass through during the 46 days

  • The airport says adding to the increase in numbers is the addition of service from 5 airlines

  • You can check security wait time and see available parking on the Orlando Airport’s mobile app or on their website

“So far the airport has just been really crowded and busy we had to navigate quite a few lines of people to get to where we are at now,” says Emily Wagner, MCO Traveler. The airport says adding to the increase in numbers is the addition of service from 5 airlines but travelers have some advice for anyone getting ready to vacation.

“Definitely come early, plan ahead and just make sure you’ve got everything where you need it just so things can be as quick as possible,” Wagner said.

MCO says there are plenty of ways to make getting through the airport easier, like printing or downloading boarding passes before getting there.

Those already on their way journey say think about what you're carrying with you.  

“That’s the way to go just one backpack so if you can make that happen you’re in good shape,” says Patrick Fowler, MCO Traveler.

MCO does have resources available on their website and their app on parking information, security wait times and current updates from social media.